The Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Foundation
Who are we and what do we do?
The employees of the Netherlands Cancer Institute (Antoni van Leeuwenhoek) work to provide the best possible care for people with cancer. Multidisciplinary teams of surgeons, oncologists, radiologists and nurses search continuously for the best treatment plans for each individual patient. The Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Foundation collects donations to make more cancer research possible.
Improved treatment options
With its ongoing ambition to unravel the riddles of cancer and to improve its treatment options, the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) combines healthcare for cancer patients with high-quality and innovative research. This leads to new, improved treatments arising regularly, and these treatments being implemented right away.
High-quality cancer research
The Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Foundation is the link between you and our research. Each year, the research board makes a selection from among various research proposals. This way, we ensure that your contribution is used solely for the financing of high-quality cancer research.
How can you support us?
The Netherlands Cancer Institute's aim is to provide each patient with the right care. For this, we need top scientists, equipment, time and especially money. You can help. Every donation is welcome - no matter the amount - and all contribute to cancer research at the NKI.
Transfer money directly from abroad
You can use our donation page to make a recurring (monthly or annually) or single donation from anywhere in the world.
You can also make your donation directly from abroad by transferring funds to the account of the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Foundation.
Account number: NL26 RABO 0102 9000 00, in the name of the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Foundation.
The bank's information, if required, is: Rabobank Amsterdam, P.O. Box 94374, 1090 GJ Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Transfer money from the USA
U.S.-based donors can make tax-deductible contributions to the AVL Foundation American Fund at Myriad USA. Because Myriad USA is a public charity, within the meaning of Sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1) of the IRC, donors may claim the maximum tax benefits allowed by U.S. tax law for their contributions. If you wish to support us, here is how to proceed:
• Gifts by check: Address your check to KBFUS, write AVL Foundation American Fund in the memo section of the check, and send it to Myriad USA at 551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2400, New York, NY 10176
• Gifts by credit card
• Gifts by wire transfer or to contribute other types of property Contact Myriad USA via email at or phone (212) 713-7660.
Contact information
The Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Foundation
Plesmanlaan 121
1066 CX Amsterdam, The Netherlands
t: +31 20 512 2856